Arch Linux; creating an automated configuration and personal setup.

A repository configuration to enable automated installation and setup of a personal Arch Linux box.

It always starts with something simple. I wanted to start over with a fresh installation of Arch Linux on my old Wacom Mobile Studio pro. It had been working mostly fine with a few glitches that were probably due to the age of the current install and it’s lack of being used.

It really was just fine until I installed a fresh Arch Linux and it stopped booting. I’m not sure how many times I installed Arch Linux on that machine in the last weeks. In the process of doing that, I decided that I wanted a reproducable state of being for future installs.

So, in the usual fashion for me, I did both. While I worked to solve my computer’s problems with the recent kernel updates, I also worked toward creating a personal install process that would result in a computer that was mine, just the way I like it.

Here we go.

I’ve installed Arch Linux following the installation guide many times. I know it by heart. What I don’t remember are some of the details, which packages I like to use, what I had to do to get my High DPI screen working properly with a visible mouse cursor, which of the packages that I like to use are in the official package repo and which are in the AUR. Some things that I forget are a bit painful, some are just another dumb thing to check on and follow through, or back up, do something else, then go forward again. But it’s a time consuming tedious task, I’m not learning, I’m just going through the paces. Most of it is stuff I don’t really want to keep in my head.

One of the recommendations in the Arch Linux community is to make your own meta-packages for installation with pacman and possibly even host your own package repository, locally, or online. I started down that rabbit hole. I even thought about hosting my repo on ipfs. I did find 3 nice articles about hosting your own repo on an S3 bucket by Michael Daffin.

Automating Arch Linux by Michael Daffin.

That was more than I wanted to do, so then I thought why not make a local repo and use that. Even that turned out to be too heavy weight, time consuming and complex, and it didn’t really solve my problems.

An install script

I spent a fair amount of time going down various rabbit holes while wondering if I should make a repo of my own from the meta packages I had just created. So I experimented with package groups and building packages from the AUR. I learned a lot.

Meanwhile I was doing repeated installs and experimenting with various kernel options and versions which may or may not have booted on my Wacom mobile studio pro. Something changed in the kernel between 01/12/2019 and 01/01/2020 which caused linux to not boot. I needed ACPI=off which took a while to figure out, and a little longer to decide I didn’t care.

The install became very repetitive during this time so I copied Michael Daffin’s script and made it my own. Another facet of this project was born. And a source of more twiddling.


The complexities come in various forms. First, was that the process of building a local repo takes a fair amount of processing time. But then the complexities creep in, and a repo doesn’t actually solve any of them.

The key problems I had were these:

  • Packages cannot have dependencies for groups.
  • Packages cannot have dependencies for anything in the AUR.
  • It’s difficult to create a package from things which are in the AUR.
  • You must install dependencies manually for things in the AUR.
  • My personal configuration of my user account, my dot files, emacs and Xmonad are their own repos which install to user space. That just seems like the wrong thing to do with a meta package.

What I wanted

I wanted something that would install what I needed, without me needing to maintain what packages were actually in the package groups I wanted. I wanted something that could install official packages or packages from AUR. I don’t have many AUR packages, but my web browser vivaldi is one of them and it needs an ffmpeg package to be installed after vivaldi is installed.

My personal repositories for dotfiles, emacs, and xmonad were intertwined and I needed them to be installed correctly, with the bits and pieces I needed for various configurations. A High DPI monitor being one example of the variables.

A package installer

While I waited for the installs, I wrote a script to install my packages and configurations, It mostly worked, and I learned about the peculiarities of the problem. When the script was finally working it was ugly in it’s form and function, but it worked. I wanted a list of associative arrays. You can’t do that in shell. The dependencies were getting complicated. My emacs setup needed emacs, isync, languagetool and hunspell from the official package repository and mu-git with mu4e from the AUR. Then it needed to install my personal emacs-setup repository in git.

My script had a nice checklist menu via dialog, but the rest was not very elegant.

makepkg, Pacman, yay groups and dependencies.

After lots of experimenting and 2 or 3 different implementations, I decided that my git repository of meta packages and a Makefile was the best and simplest solution for me.

As I worked on the Makefiles in my configuration repositories I had realized I should have Makefiles everywhere. After all, this project had turned into two shell scripts with some submodules which were all other git repos. Each should stand on it’s own.

I also realized that there is absolutely no need to create an Arch Linux package repo of any sort. PKGBUILDs/meta-packages are lightweight and the process of building/installing them is easier than turning them into a repository that I have to put somewhere.

I decided that I should just install the package groups I wanted directly and let my meta packages list their dependencies for individual official packages. All that is needed for that is to run pacman for the groups and makepkg -si for each meta package and voila, all my official packages are installed.

But then I also had packages from the AUR, my personal configuration repositories and the xmonad-log-applet which is a good example of an old fashioned C project which needs a config, make and make install.

And then there were all the intertwined dependencies between them all.

Makefiles are genius.

I made a Makefile to build/install my meta packages in my arch-pkgs repo, and then I made a Makefile for the top level. The package install script became nothing more than a menu that ran make. The Makefiles are as simple as can be and track all the dependencies almost like magic. It is, afterall, what make was intended to do. Make tracks dependencies and does things to keep everyone up to date when stuff changes. Use the right tool and things become simple.

The install-packages script became a somewhat pretty face for the Makefile, dialog is many things but pretty isn’t really one of them. Suddenly my solution was elegant and maintainable.

Making Meta Packages.

A Meta package is, in it’s simplest form a PKGBUILD file in a folder, The only thing it really needs other than the meta data at the top is a list of packages it depends upon.

Here’s my Xmonad meta package.

    # Maintainer: Eric Gebhart <>
    pkgdesc="Everything needed by my Xmonad Setup"

    ### XMonad with accessories and haskell.
        xmonad xmonad-contrib ghc dbus haskell-dbus
        dmenu dzen2 network-manager-applet xfce4-panel)


Building a meta-package with makepkg -si results in the installation of all those dependencies. So this [PKGBUILD] ( will install xmonad xmonad-contrib ghc dbus haskell-dbus dmenu dzen2 network-manager-applet and xfce4-panel as needed.

But remember, I have some package groups I’d like to install from the official repository and putting those in a meta package’s dependency list doesn’t work unless I want to list every single package in the group. I’d rather let the maintainers of the groups do that.

The Makefile takes care of everything. It knows how to make/install my meta packages and it knows how to install package groups directly. It also knows how to install unofficial packages from the AUR. It knows how to connect all of them through dependencies.

    packages := $(shell ls -d */ | sed 's,/,,')
    aur-packages := yacreader vivaldi vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin mu-git \
        jekyll babashka-bin slack-desktop

    # groups cannot be installed via dependencies in PKGBUILD
    groups := xorg xorg-apps xorg-fonts alsa xfce4 xfce-goodies

    all: $(packages) $(aur-packages) $(groups)

    print-%  : ; @echo $* = $($*)

            rm -f */*.xv
            rm -f */*.xz
            rm -rf */src
            rm -rf */pkg

    .PHONY: $(packages) $(aur-packages) $(groups)

            cd $@; makepkg -si --noconfirm --needed

            yay -S --noconfirm  --needed $@

            sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed $@

    # not necessary to list them, but it's clearer.
    necessities: yay
    emacs: necessities natural-language mu-git
    X11: xorg xorg-apps xorg-fonts X11-apps
    X11-apps: audio yacreader vivaldi vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin slack-desktop
    Xfce: xfce4 xfce-goodies
    audio: alsa
    devel: jekyll babashka-bin

    base: necessities X11 audio Xmonad

This is a fairly simple Makefile. We get a list of all the meta packages with an ls. We create a list of package groups manually, there aren’t that many. We also have a list of AUR packages.

We have an all: rule to build/install everything. We have three rules, one for the meta packages which does a makepkg -si and another rule which runs pacman to install any groups we come across and a third which uses yay to build any packages from the AUR.

At the end, I’ve listed some of the build targets, but that isn’t really necessary unless they have dependencies like emacs, X11 and Xfce. All of which are meta packages with dependencies on groups and/or packages from the AUR. Making them results in all of their dependecies being installed before they are installed themselves.

That’s it. You can build any target with make <target name> like make X11 or make xorg. If there are dependencies those get built too. This is excellent, all types of Arch-Linux packages are managed in one place and it’s all very succinct and clear.

Making everything together.

At this point all the submodule repos have working Makefiles. Now there needs to be a Makefile for the entire setup with dependencies between my configuration repos, and the various things the arch-pkgs Makefile knows how to install. This Makefile is just like the last one, with less to do. It doesn’t need to know much other than how to call make.

    packages := $(shell cd arch-pkgs; ls -d */ | sed 's,/,,')
    repos := xmonad-setup emacs-setup dotfiles bc-extensions
    everything := $(packages) $(repos) hidpi xmonad-xsession xmonad-log-applet

    all: $(everything)

    # make print-packages, etc.
    print-%  : ; @echo $* = $($*)

    .PHONY: $(everything)

            $(MAKE) -C arch-pkgs clean
            $(MAKE) -C xmonad-log-applet clean

            $(MAKE) -C arch-pkgs $@

            $(MAKE) -C $@ install

            $(MAKE) -C dotfiles hidpi

            $(MAKE) -C xmonad-setup xsession

    # the default is to build for xfce.
    xmonad-log-applet: Xmonad
            cd $@; ./
            $(MAKE) -C $@
	$(MAKE) -C $@ install

    dotfiles: dotfiles bc-extensions
    emacs-setup: emacs
    xmonad-setup: Xmonad xmonad-log-applet
    mobile-studio-pro: hidpi

    base: necessities X11 emacs-setup dotfiles xmonad-setup
    account: dotfiles emacs-setup xmonad-setup

            git submodule update --recursive --remote

As you can see it is very similar to the arch-pkgs Makefile but simpler. Where the arch-pkgs Makefile had to deal with official and unofficial packages and package groups, this Makefile only needs to worry about packages and repos. We get a list of the target packages by doing an ls on the arch-pkgs repo. This does mean that we can only build things that are meta-packages and their dependencies which are defined in the Makefile there. We could do more here, but it’s not really necessary.

The configuration repos are listed out. We have 2 make rules one for installing packages and and one for git repos. Plus 3 more for special cases which are represented by hidpi, xmonad-xsession and xmonad-log-applet.

All packages are installed with _make_, the Makefile in arch-pkgs takes care of dependencies to groups and packages in the AUR so we don't need to think about that here. We just use [make]( for everything. The regular git repos are built with _make install_ unless they have explicit rules which do something else, like _hi-dpi_.

There are 3 additional explicit rules for hidpi, xsession, and xmonad-log-applet, each of which have something specific about their invocation of make.

So looking at the emacs-setup rule. All we really need to know is that the emacs package is going to install everything it needs before it installs itself. If we look in the arch-pkgs Makefile we can see that the emacs rule installs necessities, yay, natural-language, and mu-git.

    necessities: yay
    emacs: necessities natural-language mu-git

If we really need to know every package we just need to look at the package builds, to see the details we probably don’t care about until something is missing or a new thing comes along.

grep depends */PKGBUILD

    emacs/PKGBUILD:depends=(emacs isync)
    natural-language/PKGBUILD:depends=(anki languagetool hunspell hunspell-fr hunspell-en_US hunspell-es_any )
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends=(sudo git networkmanager tree efibootmgr efivar)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(vi neovim nano emacs)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(bc htop curl wget openssh zip unzip gzip the_silver_searcher)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(ttf-ubuntu-font-family adobe-source-code-pro-fonts)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(lsof bind-tools mtr socat htop iotop openbsd-netcat) 
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(strace tcpdump whois iftop dstat)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(zsh zsh-completions fish)
    necessities/PKGBUILD:depends+=(exfat-utils dosfstools f2fs-tools)

The one problem with both of these Makefiles is that because we have no real targets, we have to use the .PHONY rule to force make to do things when we ask. That means it always does them because it can’t tell if it’s done them before or not. So a little prudence is probably necessary when it comes to making rules. That being said, pacman and yay both do an admirable job of not doing unecessary things with the –needed option.

Pacman and yay take care of all my upgrades (yay -Syu), so this is really a one shot thing that happens when I create a new system. Although I have noticed that I have been updating and rerunning the installs with make as I add new things.


At this point, this script is just a checklist menu that runs make. It’s totally unecessary, but it’s nice, so I kept it.

In conclusion

This has been a fun journey and I can already tell that I will be using this Arch-Setup project for a long time.

I have a Makefile which handles all my software installation dependencies and it’s all very simple. Adding new things to my system is a breeze wether they are packages, AUR packages, some dot file or some random git repo.

I also have an install script which adds a few things to the normal installation procedure. It installs some extras I always seem to forget, including the things I need to install my packages. It creates my account in wheel with zsh, it installs and enables Network manager. so I can easily get an internet connection with nmcli or nmtui once I login to my new machine. I don’t have to remember to start and enable the Network manager daemon before I can connect. It’s not a big deal to type sudo systemctl --now enable NetworkManager. But I always seem to forget the first and only time I need to do it.

Now I don’t have to remember so much everything is in the code. I just have to start by following the installation guide . Once I have internet on my Arch Linux Live USB boot I can do

curl > install-arch
chmod a+x ./install-arch
./install-arch -h

Then go from there. I tend to like to do my own partitioning and formatting, but it will do it for you if you like. ./install-arch -h will tell you what you need to know if you know what you are doing.

If you are not sure.

Ok then, go to the installation guide and follow all the steps. You can use install-packages later once you’ve got your system running. You’ll probably have to install some things manually to get it working if you didn’t do the same pacstrap that I have in my script. But that’s the learning process isn’t it.

But wait there’s more

The cool trick after all this was connecting the install-arch script with the install-packages script. At the end of the basic installation install-arch does a git clone of my Arch-Setup repo into my new account and sets .zlogin to automatically run nmtui followed by install-packages upon the first login after reboot. All I have to do is check off the boxes I want and wait. logout, login, et voila, my system, my way, ready to go.

Make it yours.

Please don’t hesitate to fork my repos and create your own, or add to what I have and do a pull request. There’s no reason this couldn’t be more universal than it is.

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