Converting from wordpress to markdown
in Code on Wordpress, Jekyll, Markdown, Html, Awk, Sed, Shell
I recently abandoned wordpress for github pages and jekyll. Wordress is such an unweildy beast and can be so much work to maintain. Serving a static website using markdown is so much nicer.
I had one problem. My wordress site no longer existed and all I had was the sqldump and the site’s tgz (zipped tar) file.
I found several articles on how to extract and convert my pages and posts into markdown. But none were all that simple, so I embarqued on my own path to do it myself.
For mavericks. Just tell me how!
If you know what you are doing or you just don’t want the details, Get your sqldump loaded up and then go clone my wp-md repo
cd into the project and run gen-posts like this.
gen-posts -u <username> -d <databasename>
Or like this, if you want to extract pages into a different directory:
gen-posts -u <username> -d <databasename> -q select_pages.sql -w wp_pages -m md_pages
Or if you don’t want to query again but want to reconvert:
gen-posts -n
For help:
gen-posts -h
It’ll take just a few seconds depending on how many posts you have. And it will create 2 directories. wp_posts and md_posts. Check your posts to see how it did. If they are not quite what you want, then it’s time to read the Readme in the project. Or maybe just add some sed commands to convert.sed
and rerun.
Get MySQL running.
There are many articles on this, so I’m not going to help you here. I run Arch Linux so I followed the directions for MariaDB which is the prefered flavor of mysql on Arch.
Load your SQLDump
mysql -u <username> -p <database-name> < yoursqldump.sql
If you don’t actually know the database name you can find it with this.
head yoursqldump.sql | grep Database
For me that gave me this.
Host: localhost Database: ericgebhart
Take a look around if you like
Startup the mysql REPL. mysql -u <username> -p
Once inside some commands to try are:
show databases;
use <databasename>;
show tables;
describe <tablename>;
describe wp_posts;
Of course you can do some queries too. I’ll leave that up to you.
The query to extract the posts.
I searched all over, and there are many different ways to do this. There are queries which join with other tables with subqueries so you can extract just the posts by a certain author for instance. In my case I’m the only author here so it didn’t matter. The query I ended up with is this. There is probably a better one, but this is the first one that worked so that’s where I stopped. The \G
is important, it makes the post pretty, separates the rows and puts the column names in front of each value. title:, date: and Content:
There are two queries here, one for posts which is the default query and one for pages.
In select-posts.sql
select post_title as title, post_date as date, post_content as Content
from wp_posts
where post_type LIKE 'post' and post_status = 'publish'
group by post_title
order by post_date DESC\G;
Extracting the pages is nearly the same:
This query is in the file select-pages.sql
select post_title as title, post_date as date, post_content as Content
from wp_posts
where post_type LIKE 'page' and post_status = 'publish'
group by post_title
order by post_date DESC\G;
getting the posts
So that’s great, but what you’ll get when you run something like this;
mysql -u username -p databasename < select-posts.sql > all_posts.txt`
Is a big file all_posts.txt with all the posts in it. To take care of that we can run an awk script to split them all up and put them in a different directory to keep things organized.
This will make sure the directory is there and then put each post in the wp_posts directory with names wp-post1, wp-post2, etc.
The awk script creates a new filename x
each time it encounters a new row which is *****************Row #************
it then prints each line it gets to that file. If you are new to awk, it matches on a pattern /*\*\*\*\*\*\.*/
when that happens it assigns x
a new file name. Every line is printed by default because the print block doesn’t have a pattern to match in front of it. So it prints everything to x
no matter what. Simple.
mkdir -p wp_posts
# split all_posts into individual posts and put them in the wp_posts directory.
awk '/\*\*\*\*\*.*/{x="wp_posts/wp-post"++i;}{print > x;}' all_posts.txt
Convert HTML to markdown.
I started out pretty simply with just a few sed patterns. A command like this would replace all the <H1>
tags with #
sed 's/<H1>/# /g'
A more interesting pattern is the one to convert urls.
My urls looked something like this. <a href="https://some/url/somewhere" target="_blank" title="sometitle">The Link</a>
What markdown wants is this:
[The Link](https://some/url/somewhere)
This is the sed command to do that.
s:<a href="\([^"]*\)"\([^>].*\)>\(.*\)</a>:\[\3\]\(\1\):g
Basically, anything that starts with <a href="
get what follows as long as there is no "
until the "
then get everything that does not have a >
until the >
, then get everything until </a>
. That gives us 3 pieces. We put number 3, the link, in ‘[]’ and number 1, the url, in ‘()’. We throw number 2 away.
But we need a lot more than that to convert all the html tags to markdown. A nice feature of sed is that you can just put a list of these commands in a file. For the HTML I had this was not too complicated. I edit each post anyway, so If I find something I just add it to the convert.sed file and convert the post (for post1) again with
sed -f convert.sed wp_posts/wp-post1 >
I did that for about five minutes because it’s not a complete solution. Yes the post is in markdown, but jekyll and other static site generators expect a header and a reasonable name. is not a good name. We need something like
To get a nicely named file with a nice header we can use this. gen-posts -f wp_posts/wp_post1
But you still want to know how this works, yes?
Awk and Sed again.
Get the date, not the time.*
awk -F ' ' '/date:/{print $2}' wp-post1
Get the title, remove . and , then replace with '-'.
This uses some sneaky field separator action. By using ‘:’ The first field becomes the label, and the second becomes the rest of the line, as long as you don’t have a colon in your title. It’s a pretty common awk trick. I could have also used $0
and used substr to break it the way I wanted. That would be necessary if titles actually have :
. We also get the leading space on the title this way, which turns into a ‘-‘ which is perfect when we make the filename.
Awk gets the title, then sed does the edits.
`awk -F ':' '/title:/{print $2}' wp_post1 | sed -e 's/[,\.]//g' -e 's/ /-/g'`
Create markdown file with a header and a nice name.
Combining all of this together in a shell script we have this, which I named html-md
## shell script to convert a wordpress post into a
## markdown post. The filename is created from the date
## and title of the post. The basic header is added,
## then the contents are processed by convert.sed to
## to replace most of the html with markdown.
## tweak as needed. Most posts don't need much done to
## them. HTML links are mostly fixed, but they will need
## human editing.
## Takes one argument. The filename for the wordpress post file
## as created by gen-posts. $1 from here on...
# get the date, not the time.
date=`awk -F ' ' '/date:/{print $2}' $1`
# get the title, remove . and ,. replace <space> with '-'.
# sneaky field separator action. A pretty common awk trick.
# we get the leading space on the title this way, which turns
# into a '-' which is perfect when we make the filename.
title=`awk -F ':' '/title:/{print $2}' $1 | sed -e 's/[,\.]//g' -e 's/ /-/g'`
# make sure we have a place to put stuff.
mkdir -p md_posts
# so we know what is happening.
echo $filename
# create a new file with a nice jekyll/markdown header.
echo "---
layout: post" > $filename
# get the date and time from the original post file.
# lines 2 and 3, then get rid of the leading spaces.
# could be one sed I think.
sed -n '2,3p' $1 | sed 's/^[ ]*//' >> $filename
# finish up the header.
echo 'description: "Some description here."
tags: []
---' >> $filename
# process the contents and append to the new file.
# get everything from the 4th line on, and send it
# through sed with our set of conversion commands.
# use fmt to break lines into manageble sizes.
sed -n '4,$p' $1 | sed -f convert.sed | fmt >> $filename
If you have a single post you would like to convert or reconvert after an update to the convert.sed file you can do that with this command.
html-md _wp-post-file_ <optional directory>
or maybe it’s easier,
gen-posts -f wp-post-file -m <optional directory>
Add -m directory-name if you want to put it somewhere other than md_posts.
It will put the new markdown file in a md_posts directory for you if you don’t specify another place.
Alternately if you have your posts in the wp-posts directory you can convert them all with this command.
find wp_posts -type f -name 'wp-post*' | xargs -n 1 ./html-md
or this:
gen-posts -n
If they are somewhere else.
gen-posts -n -w somewhere-else
If you want to put them in another place other than md_posts.
gen-posts -n -w somewhere-else -m another-place
If you would like, it’s definitely easy enough to create and use your own SQL query. The ‘-q’ option will allow to use it. If something isn’t converted correctly from html to markdown, just modify or add to convert.sed. Those are really the only things you will most likely need to worry about unless your titles have :
s in them. If you do find things to add, please do a pull request so everyone can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
It might be nice if it would fill in the tags and category as well. Hmmm.
So now, you mostly know how this thing works. The nice part is that all you really need to do is clone my repo and use gen-posts to do what you want. If it works 100% the first time you are done. Maybe all you need is a little bit editing that isn’t too painful. Or maybe you’ll want to update convert.sed with some tweaks and rerun the conversion with gen-posts -n
Of course just using gen-posts as your interface is going to be easier just because it’s consistent. But now you know how it all works. The html-md script is really just a helper function, gen-posts is the interface to everything.
All of this code is in my wp-md github repo. Just get your mysql server up and running with your database loaded. Then run gen-posts. For my 22 posts this ran in a second or two.
For further information see the README in the repo or ask gen-posts for help gen-posts -h
It has enough options to do whatever you might want to do.