Emacsn, easily invoke Emacs, Emacs server, and Emacs client.
in Code on Arch linux, Pacman, Aur, Emacs, Xorg, Xmonad, Make, Shell, Wacom, Mobile studio pro
It always starts with something simple. I wanted to start over with a fresh installation of Arch Linux on my old Wacom Mobile Studio pro. It had been working mostly fine with a few glitches that were probably due to the age of the current install and it’s lack of being used.
in Code on C, Ergodox, Ergonomics, Qmk, Keyboard
I bought my ergodox-ez a few years ago because I wanted something easier to carry to the cafe than my kinesis ergo keyboard.
in Code on Wordpress, Jekyll, Markdown, Html, Awk, Sed, Shell
I recently abandoned wordpress for github pages and jekyll. Wordress is such an unweildy beast and can be so much work to maintain. Serving a static website using markdown is so much nicer.
in Clojure on Fressian, Pail, Cascalog, Clojure, Big data
This is the fourth post in a series on using Pail and Cascalog in Clojure.
_Since this post was written, Prismatic schema has changed and no longer supports unions, and is therefore not useful in the way that it was.